"DAAD is a multi-machine and multi-graphics adventure writer, enabling you to target a broad range of 8-bit and 16-bit systems. It was written by Tim Gilberts in the late 80s as an in-house solution for the legendary adventure forge Aventuras AD. It allows maintaining a single source file and then compile a database that is runnable through the interpreter of the target machines."
What this means is you can create your own text adventure game just like the professional games that were sold in the 80s and 90s (and thereafter) and then ported to different targets.
I started to get to get grips with DAAD after my own ZX Basic adventure ran out of memory, but that is another story. It became apparent that I could continue the game I started and port it to DAAD.
I would highly recommend using DAAD Ready! as this tool just makes compiling and building games so much easier.
I have started to develop a DAAD Editor see the DEVLOG for information about it.
You can see the Dev Log for my new game FRAMED! at DEVLOG